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Oakley Sunglasses for Women – The Ultimate in Style and Chic
The question that simply has to be asked is: are diamonds or Oakley sunglasses a woman’s best friend? Women’s fashion, and the latest trends surrounding attire and accessories, is constantly changing. It change several times in just one year, and depending on the season, the fashion styles update in a constant perpetual motion. 

However, there is one accessory that appears to be stable and pretty much always en vogue. Sunglasses can be worn all year round. Many would imagine wearing your shades in the middle of winter would seem a little pointless and out of place, but you’d be wrong.

The winter sun can appear low in the sky even in the middle of the day. Driving conditions can be challenging and the harmful effects of ultraviolet light on the retina is present at any time of the year. So, wearing sunglasses is something that should be an essential accessory and kept within a woman’s purse or handbag at all times. 

If you decide to go for fashion and style (and what woman wouldn’t?) then you could be doing no wrong by choosing a pair of Oakley sunglasses. Oakley makes a woman appear more stylish, sexier and sharper. This brand of eyewear is not only stylish and chic but can be used to protect the eyes against those harmful rays emitting from the sun. 

The two lens types which Oakley sunglasses come in are standard and polarized. Moreover, there seems to be a growing demand for women’s sunglasses. It adds to perfect finishing touch to any woman’s wardrobe. 

Oakley sunglasses for women add that sparkle to a feminine face and there are plenty of shapes to choose. After all, not every woman has a similarly shaped face. Generally, there are four distinct shapes that Oakley sunglasses produce. The shape may be round, square, rectangular or pilot shaped. Pilot is where the top rim runs in a curved unbroken arc. 

Let us begin to look at some of the pilot shaped sunglasses produced by Oakley and you can decide if this style has  a best fit for your face. The Oakley Split Time comes with around eight different colors or hues to choose from. Included in this range are sunglasses that have a dazzling orange, cool green, blush pink and very mellow yellow. 

Oakley Split Time sunglasses for woman are pilot-shaped and that means they feature a small bridge over the top which the right and left lenses. The Oakley Feedback is a pair of sunglasses that looks remarkably similar to the Split Time; the bridge is still there but the outer rims have a much-reduced body. The Split Time sunglasses are very popular and one of the reasons is the thick black rim that wraps around both lenses. The thickness of that rim is not present on the Feedback product. 

Sunglasses come in all shapes and sizes but the main four are all covered by the stunning Oakley range. The pilot shaped sunglasses are often called “aviator” in some retail outlets. 

There are three other shapes that are rather popular with women when buying sunglasses. They are visor, oval and cat eye. Oakley doesn’t usually produce glasses with these styles. But one never knows what the future designers have in their minds, as fashion and style is a changing platform and nobody can really guess where it is all heading.

Rectangular sunglasses by Oakley are also very popular and come with a great choice in its range. There is the Oakley Step Up with a dynamic rim that is patterned slightly, the Oakley Latched Squared along with its beautifully crafted rim that is less thick than the Step Up and then the Oakley Outpace which look like a real all-round protective pair of sunglasses. 

The Oakley Outpace is stylish but also serves as intensely protective of keeping sunlight away from the eyes. It has an all-in-one wraparound lens that stops any harmful light entering from above. 

The Oakley Cohort is a smaller pair of glasses with a reduced area on the lens. This product is still immensely popular though, particularly among those wearers who prefer a smaller pair of frames.

Round shaped sunglasses for women by Oakley are possibly the most popular style and shape of them all. Simple, effective and 100 percent stylish, these sunglasses are made for today’s upmarket and fashion-conscious girl about town. 

The Oakley Moonlighter has a range of colors in which to choose from and the top part of the frame has that undulating look, where the frame is slightly curved and the thickness is at its greatest on the top and in the middle (where the two lenses bridge). 

The Oakley Die Cutter has a slightly larger lens with a less pronounced frame. It is worth noting that the prices of these Oakley women’s sunglasses range somewhat. If we take an example of the Oakley Die Cutter in soft blue – it retails at around 155 euros. Yet, the Oakley Moonlighter in a similar hue – retails for just 92 euros. 

Women’s sunglasses are great to wear for any occasion. You may be out on a shopping trip, the Lady’s Day event at a famous horse racing course (think Ascot!) or to an outdoor summer party and barbecue.

The Oakley Elmont has a slightly retro feel about them. The lenses are round but with a teardrop element to the shape. This product ranges in price from around 105 euros to 148 euros. It all depends on the color you decide to go for. The Oakley Elmont sunglasses for women features in a pink-red, blue, orange, grey or green. 

More and more women are beginning to wear the outstanding range of Oakley Square-shaped sunglasses. The range is still developing but the Oakley Reverie will tick so many boxes for the High Street fashionista. It comes in around four different colors: light green, dark green, black and a soft green or greyish hue. 

The Oakley Reverie is ideal for the modern woman who wants to look stunning, attractive and shows to be in with the latest fashion accessories. The prices here range from around 92 euros up to the black pair, which retails at 141 euros.

There are many more Oakley sunglasses for women that have come onto the market more recently. The Oakley Holbrook Metal Prism, Cross Range XL Prism, Trill Be X and Frog Skin glasses are all Oakley favorites and big sellers among today’s women. 

There is also an entirely new range in the aviator or pilot shaped sunglasses for women being released by Oakley. Look out for the Flight Deck Prism, Fall Line Prism, Airbrake XL Prism and the Wind Jacket 2.0 Prism. 

The one thing you will notice about the aviator shaped glasses by Oakley is that they are attention grabbers. Where any pair of the new aviators and you will be turning heads at every angle as you walk down the high street. 

They are big, beautiful, branded and stylish and likely to cost you a little more than around 130 euros. So what are you waiting for? Pull on your bomber jacket and check out these Oakley sensations.
Check out now the new model of Oakley Sunglasses for women at best prices and with free shipping!

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