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Vogue Eyewear for Women
Today’s woman looks for style, panache and wants to be in vogue. This naturally includes the style of clothing she wears, the jewelry and the way she styles her hair. Her skin is important too and the accessories she dons count for a great deal.
The eyes are the first thing people are drawn to when observing another. Many a philosopher or psychologist has commented on how eyes are the window into the soul. With this in mind: it is important the latest fashion accessory cover our eyes includes a smart and stylish pair of sunglasses or prescription lenses.
So, just what are today’s women wearing over their eyes? The choice is staggering and one of the hottest brands of eyewear on the market today happens to be the range from Vogue Eyewear.
The one thing that might fascinate you about Vogue eyewear and sunglasses for women is the multitude of choice in the shapes. Men’s sunglasses and eyewear often come in around four shapes, but women’s glasses in the Vogue eyewear range can offer as many as 10 different shapes and designs.
Let us look at some of the fascinating shapes available to women in the range of Vogue eyewear.
The Butterfly shape glasses are among the more popular style being worn by women. They were fashionable throughout the fifties and have relaunched as a modern looking butterfly wing shaped pair of stylish glasses. The cost of the Vogue Butterfly range goes from around 75 to 105 euros per pair. So, making this design very much affordable and not cutting yourself short of design, style and fashion.

What’s New Pussycat?
The Cat Eye Vogue range of eyewear is a pair of glasses that make a statement. Sexy, stylish and immediately able to turn a head or two. Starting at prices of around 64 euros per pair, the Cat Eye shaped sunglasses and eyewear are a real bargain without reducing that chic and fashionable look.
The Irregular shaped sunglasses and eyewear are perhaps for the more daring or outgoing girl. Some of these styles and lenses are hexagon shaped, star-shaped or even just plain zany!
These shapes are clearly falling into the bracket of the “dare to wear” team. But if attention and heads turning are not for you, then why not try a pair of Oval shaped glasses?
Oval glasses range in price from around 65.40 euros to 95 euros. They are modern looking, big sellers and often seen as among the latest in fashion as far as the shape is concerned.

Phantos Shaped Eyewear – Is This Design Taking Over?
Phantos shaped eyewear is considered to be the new kid on the block when it comes to women’s sunglasses and eyewear. The thing is, this shape has been around for a very long time but was much admired by men in the past but now has been seen by many women, including celebrities.
Phantos shaped glasses come in Vogue and Vogue Casual Chic designs. These designs are available as both standard and polarised.
Pillow shaped eyewear in the Vogue range comes in the greatest choice. There are some 92 different types of glasses available in this shape and only the Cat Eye shape offers more (at 152) in this range.
The larger lenses of some of the Pillow shaped glasses are fast becoming the choice of women all over Europe right now. Every corner you turn, each time a smart-looking woman in glasses appears on our television screens and every Instagram post of women in glasses seems to be a girl in Pillow-shaped glasses.
Starting at just 59.40 euros the Pillow shaped glasses are easily affordable and stylish.
Pilot (or Aviator) shaped glasses were once a stronghold in men’s fashion for eyewear. But the powerful look this shape of sunglasses offers to the human face, women are fast getting in on the powerful look. And why not?
Today’s women rightly feel they can look strong and confident in their appearance. The Pilot shaped glasses offer this look and at an average 77 euros a pair, these glasses are very much a winning combination for the modern, good-looking girl about town.
The Round shaped glasses are perhaps the most common and well-established type of shape. This shape has been around for a very long time. Prices average around 77 euros and with that in mind, it makes an investment in the Round shaped glasses a popular choice for many women.
Square shaped glasses are the final shape we are now looking at: a funky, chic and stylish type of eyewear that makes a girl look strong, smart and very powerful.
Vogue eyewear really is the go-to solution for stylish women’s sunglasses and can be worn during any season. There is a wide range of polarised sunglasses also available in the Vogue eyewear range. This, along with the standard sunglasses, helps to protect the eyes against the harmful rays of the sun.
In fact, sunglasses double up as a fashion and fun accessory as well as being an important piece of protective eyewear. It is possible to buy sunglasses that are very cheap and these would probably not last beyond the month. By investing in a stylish and affordable Vogue sunglasses you can be investing in a pair of stylish accessories that can last several years.
It is not as though Vogue sunglasses ever go out of fashion either. The latest styles may be big sellers but the traditional shapes of round, square, aviator, rectangular are still huge in the market and appear to never be out of vogue.
The Vogue range of sunglasses is all made from a high-quality lens material. They are scratch resistant, offer UV protection and take off the glare from the overhead light and sun’s rays.
Regardless of which shape you prefer, we are confident you are investing in a pair of sunglasses that offers protection and gives you a stylish, glamorous look for the everyday girl about town.

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