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Eye health (eye drops)

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Online, on the store of, you can find everything you need for eye health, such as eye drops.

How to care for the eyes

Eye health is important for general well-being and a good quality of life. Taking care of them requires constant attention and adoption of healthy habits. First, regular eye examinations are essential to early detection of visual problems or eye conditions such as glaucoma, macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy. Although there are no obvious symptoms, the tests may reveal conditions that, if left untreated, can permanently impair vision. Nutrition plays a crucial role in eye health. A diet rich in green leafy vegetables, fish rich in omega-3 such as salmon, fresh fruit and nuts can help maintain good vision. Nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene and zinc are particularly beneficial for the eyes. It is important to protect your eyes from UV rays by wearing good quality sunglasses when you are outdoors. Prolonged exposure to UV rays can increase the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. Even when you are practicing sports or activities that could cause eye trauma, it is advisable to wear goggles. For those who spend many hours at the computer, it is essential to take measures to prevent eye fatigue. The rule of 20-20-20 is very useful: every 20 minutes, take a break of 20 seconds and look at something 20 feet (about 6 meters) away. In addition, maintaining a proper distance from the screen and using adequate lighting can reduce visual stress. Eye hygiene is another important aspect. Washing your hands frequently and avoiding touching your eyes with dirty hands can prevent infection. For those who use contact lenses, it is essential to strictly follow the instructions for cleaning and storing the lenses.

What are eye drops and what they are for

Eye drops are liquid solutions or suspensions specifically formulated to be instilled into the eyes. They are used for various therapeutic and diagnostic purposes, but also for good rest of the eyes. Some eye drops are designed to lubricate and moisturize the eyes, especially useful for those suffering from dry eyes caused by environmental factors, prolonged computer use or medical conditions such as dry eye syndrome. Other eye drops contain medications that can treat bacterial infections, reduce inflammation, or relieve symptoms of eye allergies such as itching and redness. There are also eye drops with drugs specific to the management of chronic eye diseases such as glaucoma, where the goal is to reduce intraocular pressure. Some eye drops are used before or after eye surgery to prevent infection or inflammation. In addition to these, there are eye drops that contain anesthetic substances used to make the eye insensitive to pain during tests or diagnostic procedures. The correct administration of eye drops is essential to ensure its effectiveness and minimize the risk of side effects or infections.

Online eye drops

For example, on you can find biotrue eye drops online. In this category there are different types of solutions dedicated to the eyes and lenses, such as the eye moisturizing and moistening ophthalmic solution for contact lenses or for long-lasting hydration for dry, irritated eyes that burn. These products are perfect for both contact lens wearers and those looking for long-lasting hydration. Biotrue is formulated to offer immediate and long-lasting relief, reducing burning sensation and eye fatigue. Using eye drops such as biotrue can significantly improve the quality of life of those suffering from dry eyes, allowing you to face the day with greater serenity.

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